Essential Tools For Developing And Monetizing Content For Your Website

I am tempted to write a very long article on tools you can use in developing content for your blog, however, considering the tons of content out there on the internet, my work is made a lot easier. The reason being that all I may just need to do is to help you sieve through the contents online and get the best for your use.
My first item for consideration is Niel Patel's blog on ' 9 Essential Content Marketing Apps That Grow Your Blog Content'

9 Essential #ContentMarketing #Apps That Will Grow Your #Blog Traffic

In this amazing write-up, Niel x-rayed 9 solid applications you must have as digital marketing expert to aid your work and improve your content quality. 
 On his list are tools like Pocket, Buffer, Sumall, Google document research tool, Word2cleanHtml, Hermingway to mention but a few.
More instructively, Neil went ahead to discuss the following
  • Implication of the tool in improving your content generation strategy.
  • Issues of using statistics to understand your audience.
  • Gathering data for your contents.
  • Editing your contents which is another major issue for bloggers.
  • How to register and use the apps.
Another complimentary tool is the use of tools like traffic buddy which can help monetize contents from curated sources.
Since the ultimate goal of major bloggers is to monetize traffic from their blogs, then you may want to consider a tool like traffic buddy which allows you to send someone to a link on a website you don't own and display your opt-in form or offer alongside the website content. Buy and Sell Backlinks
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