I can imagine the drones of youths walking the streets of our cities seeking way out of the economic predicament we find ourselves as a nation. The amazing part of this issue is that they are the last item on the agenda of our government ...(if they are at all on the agenda) guess I will have a thousand and one people who can identify with that feeling...

Ideas are like seeds.... they have the potential of  growing to a mighty tree with a lot of fruits having seeds in them too. When we look at the potential in a seed and understand the vast possibilities it has in it...then we can understand the potential in an idea sellable or not..

Perhaps the most challenging issue for you might not even be generating an idea but doing what it takes to make ideas happen. What am I getting at? It might actually (and really to be true to you it's actually not sufficient) not be sufficient to have ideas. We actually need to pull the necessary muscles needful to give us a push to make our ideas happen.

My intention is to bring people of great minds to share ideas and experiences. From time to time, we intend to make impact on lives  through effective idea and experience sharing. I look forward to people who have had the opportunity to work through ideas sharing their experiences and make it happen for others. We will also be open to business ideas, career development ideas and growth opportunities.

I sure do hope that this site will be of immense help to our teeming youths who desire a real growth for their lives...

Do watch out for my next post 

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